Nehemiah 13 “Jerusalem Drift”

Nehemiah 13 jerusalem drift (Audio file for download) The big picture of this book is that just as the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, all of us have broken walls that need to be rebuilt. Just as God sent Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of His city, He sent Christ to rebuild the walls of our lives. We have been looking at healthy walls as representative of a healthy city, and for us a healthy person. A broken wall can be any area of struggle, or sin that God needs to rebuild in your life. An impossible situation that you … Continue reading Nehemiah 13 “Jerusalem Drift”

Nehemiah 12:27-43 “The Dedication of the Wall”

Nehemiah 12 _Dedication of The Wall (Audio file for download) Two weeks of Nehemiah left including a wrap up. Then we will look at our affirmation of faith, followed by a series on the foundations of the Christian faith. This week the dedication of the wall.Two things to think about before we get started. 1. Where is a current example of God’s power in your life? Not years ago, not when you were a kid, where have you seen Him move recently? 2. How do you respond to that? So what happens in the rebuilding of the wall is that the … Continue reading Nehemiah 12:27-43 “The Dedication of the Wall”

Nehemiah 10 Conviction Leads to Commitment

These may be the most sparse notes I have preached from in a while. Nehemiah 10  A covenant. So far we have seen how God is using Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, restoring the dignity to His people and returning the people back to their home. Last week we looked at how he gathered them together to hear his word. We saw what happens when God’s word goes out and does what it does, there is a response. Now what happens today is the next event in that progression. The people make a covenant with God now that … Continue reading Nehemiah 10 Conviction Leads to Commitment

Nehemiah 7:5-9:38 “Now What?”

nehemiah 7-9 the people gather (Audio File for download) Last week we ended the sermon with a point that I didn’t really flesh out, that God is going to keep working on you… Now the question becomes, how does he keep working on you? How does he show you areas of your life that need repair? What is the primary context for our spiritual growth? We are going to look at what happened in Jerusalem after the wall was completed. Three chapters worth of action. I am not going to read it all, but I will read some of it so … Continue reading Nehemiah 7:5-9:38 “Now What?”